50+ Vegetables Name In French With Pictures | Légumes en français

Hello friends, in this article we are going to teach you the vegetables name in French language so that you can improve your French vocabulary by becoming familiar with the names of different types of vegetables when you go to buy vegetables in a mall or have food in a hotel. For example, while reading the menu, you may have to face trouble if you do not know the names of vegetables in French.

Although in the climate of France, most of the vegetables like tomatoes, carrots and cauliflower are produced, but in the world there is a huge range of vegetables. Production from which you should learn, hence in this article,

the names of more than 50 vegetables of different colors and tastes have been mentioned with English translation so that you will easily be able to say the your favorite vegetables name in French and English.

vegetables name in french and english

vegetables name in French listed below, you will not only learn to speak the names of vegetables in French and English but can also learn about delicious and famous French dishes.

Vegetables Name
In English
Vegetables Name
In French
1.Vegetables Name In FrenchArtichokeArtichaut
2.Vegetables Name In FrenchAsparagusAsperge
3.Vegetables Name In FrenchCarrotCarotte
4.Vegetables Name In FrenchCelerycéleri
5.Vegetables Name In FrenchCauliflowerChou-Fleur
6.Vegetables Name In FrenchBroccoliBrocolis
7.Vegetables Name In FrenchKaleChou Frisé
8.Vegetables Name In FrenchCucumberConcombre
9.Vegetables Name In FrenchZucchiniCourgettes
10.Vegetables Name In FrenchSpinachE’pinard
11.Vegetables Name In FrenchLettuceMâche
12.Vegetables Name In FrenchTurnipNavet
13.Vegetables Name In FrenchOnionOignon
14.Vegetables Name In FrenchParsnipPanais
15.Vegetables Name In FrenchSweet PotatoPatate Douce
16.Vegetables Name In FrenchChili PepperPiment
17.Vegetables Name In FrenchPumpkinPotimarron
18.Vegetables Name In FrenchRadishRadis
19.Vegetables Name In FrenchCabbageChou
20.Vegetables Name In FrenchLeekPoireau
21.Vegetables Name In FrenchMushroomsChampignons
22.Vegetables Name In FrenchKidney beansHaricots rouges
23.Vegetables Names in French And English With PicturesCornMaïs
24.Vegetables Names in French And English With PicturesPeasPetits Pois
25.Vegetables Names in French And English With PicturesPotato Pomme de terre
26.Vegetables Names in French And English With PicturesTomatoTomate
27.Vegetables Names in French And English With PicturesColocasiaLe taro
29.Vegetables Names in Hindi And English With PicturesEggplantAubergine
30.Vegetables Names in Hindi And English With PicturesFennelFenouil
31.Vegetables Names in Hindi And English With PicturesBeetrootBetterave
33.Vegetables Name In FrenchLemonCitron
34.Vegetables Name In FrenchBell pepperPoivron
35.Vegetables Name In FrenchParsleyPersil
36.Vegetables Name In FrenchYamsIgnames
37.Vegetables Name In FrenchKohlrabiChou-rave
38.Vegetables Name In FrenchOkraGombo
39.Vegetables Name In FrenchBitter MelonMargose
40.Vegetables Name In FrenchBottle gourdCourge
41.Vegetables Name In FrenchArugulaRoquette
42.Vegetables Name In FrenchBokChoychou de Chine
43.Vegetables Name In FrenchBeansHaricots
44.Vegetables Name In FrenchPeanutCacahuète
45.Vegetables Name In FrenchSoybeanSoja
46.Vegetables Name In FrenchBrinjalBrinjal
47.Vegetables Name In FrenchLeekPoireau
48.Vegetables Name In FrenchFenugreekFenugrec
49.Vegetables Name In FrenchCurry leavesFeuilles De Curry
50.Vegetables Name In FrenchPointed gourdGourde Pointue

Vegetables Name In French With Video


Hopefully, by reading this article, you would have learned the vegetables name in French. Although tomato and carrot vegetables are mostly produced in France, but in this article we have given the names of different types of vegetables found in the world in English and French so that You will be able to see a huge array of French dishes. Apart from this, if you are familiar with the names of more French vegetables, then you can tell their names in the comment box.

On this website, we will provide names of vegetables in Hindi and English as well as in other languages, so bookmark our website so that you can easily learn All Vegetables Names.

If you want to know the names of vegetables or information related to children’s education, then join our Telegram channel.

If you like the 50+ Vegetables Name in French and English mentioned in this article, then share this article with all your friends and family on social media like WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook so that they too can teach their childrenVegetable Names in French.

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Hello friends, my name is Pawan Borana and I am the founder of this blog Vegetablesnames.com. All of you friends are welcome to our blog. Vegetablesnames.com is a blog website on which an attempt has been made to tell the users of all the vegetables names present in the world in Hindi and English.

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