50+ Vegetables Name In Punjabi | Vegetables Name In English & Punjabi

Hello friends, in this article we have prepared a list of vegetables name in Punjabi. Many different types of vegetables are grown in Punjab and many delicious dishes like parathas are prepared from those vegetables. Vegetables provide freshness and strength to our body. And in Punjab, eating paratha made from grains with mustard greens and curd lassi gives energy.

Children are taught the names of vegetables in school, but mostly the names of vegetables are told in English and Hindi and along with books, names of vegetables can be seen in Hindi and English on the internet, so in this article we have discussed the vegetables name in Punjabi. Names of vegetables have been mentioned so that the people of Punjab can easily learn the names of all the vegetables in their own language Punjabi.

All Vegetables Name In Punjabi,English And Hindi

In the list given below, we have given the names of vegetables in Punjabi and English which will help you in learning the vegetables names in Punjabi.

Vegetables name
In English
Vegetables Name
In Hindi
Vegetables Name
In Punjabi
1.Vegetables Names in KannadaPotatoआलूਆਲੂ
2.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBrinjalबैंगनਬੈਂਗਨ
3.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCauliflowerफूल गोभीਫੁੱਲ ਗੋਭੀ
4.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBitter melonकरेलाਕਰੇਲਾ
5.Vegetables Name In PunjabiLady-fingerभिंडीਭਿੰਡੀ
6.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCucumberखीराਖੀਰਾ
7.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiSpinachपालकਪਾਲਕ
8.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiPumpkinकद्दूਕੱਦੂ
9.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiPeaमटरਮਟਰ
10.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiCarrotगाजरਗਾਜਰ
11.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiGreen chilliहरी मिर्चਹਰੀ ਮਿਰਚ
12.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiOnionप्याज़ਪਿਆਜ
13.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiCorianderधनियाਧਨੀਆ
14.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiGarlicलहसूनਲਸਣ
15.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiRidge Gourdराम तोरीਰਾਮ ਤੋਰੀ
17.Vegetables Name In PunjabiMintपुदीनाਪੁਦੀਨਾ
18.Vegetables Name In PunjabiRadishमूलीਮੂਲੀ
19.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCabbageपत्ता गोभीਪੱਤਾ ਗੋਭੀ
20.Vegetables Name In PunjabiMushroomमशरूमਖੁੰਬ
21.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBrinjalबैंगनਬੈਂਗਨ
22.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBottle gourdघीयाਘੀਆ
23.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBeansफलीਫਲੀਆਂ
24.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCapsicumशिमला मिर्चਸ਼ਿਮਲਾ ਮਿਰਚ
25.Vegetables Name In PunjabiTurnipशलगमਸ਼ਲਗਮ
26.Vegetables Name In PunjabiAsh Gourdराख लौकीਸੁਆਹ ਲੌਕੀ
27.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCornभुट्टाਮਕਈ
28.Vegetables Name In PunjabiDrumstickसहजनਡਰੱਮਸਟਿਕ
29.Vegetables Name In PunjabiBroccoliब्रोकोलीਬਰੌਕਲੀ
30.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCeleryअजमोदाਅਜਵਾਇਨ
31.Vegetables Name In PunjabiSweet Potatoशकरकंदਮਿਠਾ ਆਲੂ
32.Vegetables Name In PunjabiCurry Leafकरी पत्ताਕਰੀ ਪੱਤਾ
33.Vegetables Name In PunjabiLemonनींबूਨਿੰਬੂ
34.Vegetables Name In PunjabiFenugreek Leavesकसूरी मेथीਮੇਥੀ ਦਾ ਪੱਤਾ
35.Vegetables Name In PunjabiAmaranthअम्लान रंगीन पुष्प का पौधਅਮਰਾਨਥ
36.Vegetables Name In PunjabiChickpeasचनेਕਾਉਪੀਆ
37.Vegetables Name In PunjabiPeanutsमूंगफलीਮੂੰਗਫਲੀ
38.Vegetables Name In PunjabiMustard Greensसरसों का सागਰਾਈ ਦੇ ਸਾਗ
39.Vegetables Name In PunjabiTamarindइमलीਇਮਲੀ
40.Vegetables Name In PunjabiYamरतालूਜਿਵਿਕੰਦ
41.Vegetables Name In PunjabiZucchiniतुरईਰਿਜ
42.Vegetables Name In PunjabiFennelसौंफਫੈਨਿਲ
43.Vegetables Name In PunjabiOliveजैतूनਜੈਤੂਨ
44.Vegetables Name In PunjabiKohlrabiकोल्हाबीਕੋਹਲਰਾਬੀ
45.Vegetables Name In PunjabiKidney Beanमूंगਮੂੰਗ
46.Vegetables Name In PunjabiJackfruitकटहलਜੈਕਫਰੂਟ
47.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiCluster Beansग्वारफलीਗੁਆਰ
48.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiLettuceसलादਸਲਾਦ
49.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiPepperकाली मिर्चਕਾਲੀ ਮਿਰਚ
50.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiBeetrootचुकंदरਚੁਕੰਦਰ
51.Vegetables Name
In PunjabiArtichokeहाथी चकਆਂਟਿਚੋਕ

Learn All Vegetables Name In Punjabi With Video


Hopefully, after reading this article, you would have learned the vegetables name in Punjabi. Punjabi language is spoken not only in Punjab but in many states of India, while Punjabi language is also spoken in Sikh-dominated countries like Canada, although the names of vegetables in punjabi are not mentioned in schools and books. They are taught in English but we have prepared a list of more than 50 vegetable names in Punjabi.

On this website, we will provide names of vegetables in Hindi and English as well as in other languages, so bookmark our website so that you can easily learn All Vegetables Names.

If you want to know the names of vegetables or information related to children’s education, then join our Telegram channel.

If you like the 50+ Vegetables Name In Punjabi and English mentioned in this article, then share this article with all your friends and family on social media like WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook so that they too can teach their children Vegetables Names In Punjabi and English.

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Hello friends, my name is Pawan Borana and I am the founder of this blog Vegetablesnames.com. All of you friends are welcome to our blog. Vegetablesnames.com is a blog website on which an attempt has been made to tell the users of all the vegetables names present in the world in Hindi and English.

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